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The Butterfly Effect

I have just taken on a new book I wanted you to know about.  The book was actually first published in 2009 but I have just last week read it; immediately ordered one for each grandchild and several for friends in my Bible study group.  Then I stopped and thought if it meant that much to me others would love it and want it for those special people in their lives.

It is about the butterfly effect or, as some call it, the ripple effect.  Everything we do, every action we take, matters and effects others we do not even know.

This well known author and speaker tells two true stories that show this effect in a short, easily read, powerful and fascinating way.

A single action, by a young man over 150 years ago still effects our lives today.

The action of one person saved over 2 billion people from starvation but as you follow the butterfly effect back over a hundred years, who really saved 2 billion people and effected the entire world.

I know you will like this.